Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How Much Do Ron Paul Supporters Care About Electing Ron Paul?

Do they care as much as Obama supporters?

The chances are that most of us are not going to win the lottery. Most of us don't win more than a free fries in the McDonald's contest, if that much. But some one in New Hampshire could be receiving $100,000 or more in the months to come and at the same time know that they have moved New Hampshire back towards the kind of government that has traditionally mattered in the Live Free or Die state.

The award of $100,000 is being offered for the arrest and conviction of those who hacked the vote in last week's primary. Supporters of Barack Obama are convinced that their candidate was robbed. So are the supporters of GOP candidate Ron Paul.

The reward is being offered by Velvet Revolution, a group that has been working on the issue of clean elections for some time now.

The announcement on their site reads, ” The primary election in New Hampshire on Tuesday has left a lot of people with questions about whether something was wrong with the Diebold vote machines used in 80% of the state. As The Brad Blog has been reporting the past few days, the exit polls, the pre election polls and the difference between the hand counted ballots and the machine counted ballots tend to raise questions about the results of the Obama/Clinton race and the Romney/other GOP candidate races.

In short, on the Democrat side, the polls all showed Obama winning handily against Clinton, and the hand counted ballots across the state showed Obama winning. It was only in key Diebold counted counties that the results were skewed toward Clinton.

Now we don’t know if this discrepancy is attributable to real dynamics on the ground or to something wrong with the Diebold counting machines. However, we believe that the stunning election upset should be scrutinized fully. Therefore, we are offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons who caused a manipulation of the Diebold machines used in the New Hampshire primary election sufficient to flip the Obama/Clinton race, or information that results in an official change of the first place winner of that Democrat race.”

The article goes on to challenge Ron Paul supporters to help raise a similar amount as an award for a whistleblower about the Republican races. To this end a site has been started with a Chip-in for donations at Getting the Truth.blogspot.com.. Only time will tell how much will the final award could be.

The article gives the phone line where the whistle blower can make contact and put him or herself in line for both thanks and the reward. So when you are paying your electric bill or in line at the grocery store remember that paying those bills could get a lot easier if you have the evidence.

Tips can be confidentially given at 1-888-VOTETIP.

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